Dr. Stephen Caracciolo
artistic director

Celebrated as the region’s premier all-professional vocal ensemble, ProArteOHIO has established its role as a vital force in choral music by performing challenging repertoire drawn from the rich treasury of the past, programing new works that inspire the American public to thoughtfully explore its present, and supporting educational programming with young singers to promote the future of the choral arts. The organization seeks to broaden the understanding and enjoyment of this art form through diverse and culturally enriching programs performed with stirring beauty and integrity in Columbus, Lancaster, and in communities throughout Ohio.

Celebrating the beauty of the human voice!

(Formerly LancasterChorale)



Palestrina  and Gabrieli

Sunday, October 20, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Lancaster, Ohio

Sunday, October 27, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
Saint Mary Mother of God | German Village
Columbus, Ohio


Motets, Carols, and
Spirituals for Christmas  

Sunday, December 1, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Lancaster, Ohio

Sunday, December 15, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
Saint Mary Mother of God | German Village
Columbus, Ohio


Partsongs and folksongs on Romantic Love

Sunday, May 4, 2025. 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Lancaster, Ohio

Saturday, May 10, 2025. 7:00 p.m.
Second Presbyterian Church
Newark, Ohio 

Sunday, May 11, 2025. 4:00 p.m.
Saint Mary Mother of God | German Village
Columbus, Ohio


Three-Concert Season Subscription Tickets at Discounted Price


Palestrina  and Gabrieli 

Sunday, October 20, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Lancaster, Ohio
Sunday, October 27, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
Saint Mary Mother of God | German Village
Columbus, Ohio

Motets, Carols, and Spirituals for Christmas

Sunday, December 1, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Lancaster, Ohio
Sunday, December 15, 2024. 4:00 p.m.
Saint Mary Mother of God | German Village
Columbus, Ohio

Partsongs and folksongs on Romantic Love

Sunday, May 4, 2025. 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Lancaster, OH
Saturday, May 10, 2025. 7:00 p.m.
Second Presbyterian Church
Newark, Ohio
Sunday, April 28, 2024. 4:00 p.m.

Saint Mary Mother of God | German Village
Columbus, Ohio

Glowing Reviews...

Daniel Knaggs - Celebrated American Composer

I’m still feeling the impact of your amazing performance with ProArteOHIO this past Sunday. I was truly blown away by the performance – by your interpretations, your musical selections, and your own compositions. Your interpretation of my ‘Ego sum panis vivus’ took my breath away — your artists brought out things that I never even imagined. I was transported during the whole performance, and I’m just so delighted with the work you are doing! What a special thing you have in ProArte. Keep up the phenomenal work!

Jennifer Hambrick - The Columbus Dispatch

Two of Columbus’ finest classical music ensembles joined forces in one of the world’s best-loved musical works last night at the Southern Theatre. ProMusica Artistic Director David Danzmayr led the orchestra, ProArteOHIO, and four vocal soloists in the orchestra’s first-ever performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Throughout the famous “Ode to Joy” finale of Beethoven’s symphony, ProArte sang with impressive nuance of sound and with impressively clear and sonorous diction of Schiller’s German text.

Peter Tonguette - The Columbus Dispatch

Conducted with sensitivity and subtlety by artistic director Stephen Caracciolo, the ensemble opened with Johannes Brahms’ song cycle ‘Zigeunerlieder’. Following an intermission, ProArte shifted to a cappella singing — and stirringly so. Highlights included Hugo Alfven’s ‘Aftonen,’ a piece evoking the stillness of dusk in its haunting sotto voce passages. Also lovely was John Clements’ ‘Flower of Beauty’. The singers enunciated such ecstatic verses as “She is my slender small love, my flow’r of beauty, she” in dulcet tones. The ensemble sang each with terrific skill and intense feeling — qualities also apparent in a heavenly encore performance of ‘Danny Boy’.

Education & Outreach

ProArteOHIO, the region’s premier professional chamber choir, is dedicated to establishing and maintaining strong channels of communication with church choirs, school choirs, civic choral organizations and their directors to provide learning opportunities that energizes their work with volunteers within the community. This education outreach program also provides timely information on upcoming ProArte performances and insights on how the programs are prepared in rehearsals.

The organization supports church and community choir directors by offering:

• Invitations to observe selected rehearsals (free of charge) to note rehearsal techniques, learn new literature, and speak directly with our professional artists

• Professional choral consulting with our Artistic Director, Dr. Stephen Caracciolo: a professional conductor, singer, and composer whose published works have been performed and recorded extensively throughout the U.S.

• Joint programming with ProArte by way of hymn festivals and side-by-side educational concerts

• Reduced-priced admission to ProArte performances to selected volunteer choirs on a rotating basis within the community.

Area church choirs, community choruses, and ProArteOHIO are together part of a world-wide community of choral traditions, the praises of which have been eloquently phrased by singer, Peter Yarrow, of the famed folk music trio, Peter, Paul and Mary.

‘When people sing together, community is created. Together we rejoice, we celebrate, we mourn and we comfort each other. Through music, we reach each other’s hearts and souls. Music allows us to find a connection.’