Become a Supporter of Our Mission
Perhaps more than any other art form, choral performance expresses humanity’s most profound truths and enlivens our more noble spirit. With support from the Fox Foundation, the Fairfield County Foundation, the Ohio Arts Council, and generous patrons such as yourself, ProArteOHIO presents stirring and memorable concerts of classical choral music in Columbus, Lancaster, and other communities in the state. Patron gifts of time, talent, and treasure continue to demonstrate a growing loyalty and pride in this “gem in the crown of Central Ohio.

We have completely redesigned our tiers of support…
…and accompanying benefits to enhance your engagement with the organization and the community!

Arts Community Leader $5000 - $9999

o Your name in all printed programs with the opportunity to add a personalized dedication
o 4 Season subscriptions for you and your guests
o Substantial corporate advertising benefits available at this level*

Major Key Donor $2500 - $4999

o Your name in all printed programs with the opportunity to add a personalized dedication
o 3 Season subscriptions for you and your guests
o Substantial corporate advertising benefits available at this level*

Choral Arts Enthusiast $1000 - $2499

o Your name in all printed programs with the opportunity to add a personalized dedication
o 1 Season subscription for you
o 4 guest tickets to one concert of your choice
o Corporate advertising benefits available at this level*

Supporter of the Arts $700 - $999

o Your name in all printed programs with the opportunity to add a personalized dedication
o 1 Season subscription

Friend of ProArteOHIO $300 - $699

o Your name gratefully listed in all printed programs
o 1 Season subscription

Contributor Gifts up to $299

o Your name gratefully listed in all printed programs


* To inquire about corporate advertising benefits, CLICK HERE to send our representative your contact information.

Support ProArteOHIO with a Personal Check
Mail your support to ProArteOHIO, 109 N. Broad St., Suite 100 Lancaster, OH 43130. Kindly include your email address so we may keep you informed of performances, write us a note of appreciation if you wish, or provide a personalized dedication with your gift of $700 or more! In addition, follow ProArteOHIO on Facebook to see notices of performances.

Support ProArteOHIO Via Credit Card
You may make a gift to ProArteOHIO by way of credit card by clicking Give Now below. Kindly confirm your email address so we may keep you informed of performances, write us a note of appreciation if you wish, or provide a personalized dedication with your gift of $700 or more! In addition, follow ProArteOHIO on Facebook to see notices of performances.

Personalized dedication with your support of $700 or more!
Your personalized dedication is an engaging way for you to celebrate community through music. Here are some examples:

Jean Smith: In thanksgiving for the birth of her granddaughter, Emily.
Stan DiCarlo: In loving memory of his dear mother and singer, Madeline.